> (eng)Lectures > Foreign Bodies .:Digitales2002:.
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(fr)Journée Ada-Electronica
(fr)Les jeunes filles et leurs rêves
(fr)Réseau ADA


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(nl)Informatiedag rond ADA en Electronica
(nl)Netwerk ADA:Toepassing van de netwerken vrouwen en technologieën


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For the web site:nicolelenoir: nicolelenoir@interface3.be
& laurence rassel: info@constantvzw.com
and for the inscriptions :sylvia@interface3.be
sylvia bantuelle

Digitales est un projet du réseau belge ADA / De digitale ontmoetingen kaderen in het Belgisch ADA netwerk / The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian network


> (eng)Lectures > Foreign Bodies

.: Foreign Bodies :.

4.12 >> 19:00 -1 x 90’-
" Mongrel is a mixed bunch of people, machines and intelligence working to celebrate the methods of London/Global street culture(mongrelSTREET). We make socially engaged culture, which sometimes means making art, sometimes software, sometimes setting up workshops, or helping other mongrels to set things up.
Mongrels make art about ourselves or about the life and thinking of people we meet. Sometimes we do this in order to think and feel better for ourselves. Sometimes we are creating a space for others to inhabit that thinking and feeling. This means we rarely operate as the core group. We prefer to work on a range of activities, individually or collectively. These can be with organisations, or other Mongrels.
The ability to plug into different cultures, skills, structures or ways of doing things means our art gets to stay fresh. "
mervin Jarman have been many things including a Community Art Activist, an Interactive Multimedia Designer, Human Computer Interface expert, a member of the Mongrel Collective, and founder of IANI Media. mervin is a particular kind of mongrel, a new breed of street interactive art-hactivist.

mervin Jarman, Marlene Lewis(eng)Lectures - print

Digitales 3ème édition -Appel à contribution-Racontez les histoires* des femmes et des technologies-

Digitale Ontmoetingen >> Corpus <<

Digitales >> Corpus <<

++++ 01 -> 08 MAI MEI ++++ D I G I T A L E S - R A D I O ((( W E B S T R E A M I N G )))

Atelier Radio >>> les reportages sont en ligne!

Atelier Video >>> les vidéos sont en ligne!

Etat des inscriptions - inventaris - inventory

Pratiques des réseaux femmes et technologies sur une invitation de la plate-forme associative ADA

Webradio Digitales
