> Qui-Wie-Who > Lewis Marlene .:Digitales2002:.
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(fr)Journée Ada-Electronica
(fr)Les jeunes filles et leurs rêves
(fr)Réseau ADA


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(nl)Informatiedag rond ADA en Electronica
(nl)Netwerk ADA:Toepassing van de netwerken vrouwen en technologieën


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For the web site:nicolelenoir: nicolelenoir@interface3.be
& laurence rassel: info@constantvzw.com
and for the inscriptions :sylvia@interface3.be
sylvia bantuelle

Digitales est un projet du réseau belge ADA / De digitale ontmoetingen kaderen in het Belgisch ADA netwerk / The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian network


> Qui-Wie-Who > Lewis Marlene

.: Lewis Marlene :.

Marlene Lewis has applied skills in the areas of social research, project planning and management to the promotion of community development. Her earliest experiences in community development were in the areas of agriculture and settlement planning which highlighted issues of economic alienation and the choices presented by those circumstances. Much of her work focused on creating livelihoods from agricultural production and nature whilst building confidence and competence of local leaders to manage the process of change within their own communities. Through these experiences she has developed the art of marketing ideas and concepts and gauging the readiness of the community to try other options for survival. Later she worked more deliberately in social enterprise development and the financing of community initiatives in the areas of social infrastructure, child welfare and environmental management. In these circumstances, she has learnt how to deal with communities trying to cope with neglect, abuse, and vulnerability of all kinds. Her years of practice has allowed her to define community development more broadly in terms physical communities within the rural and urban settings and also communities of special interest. These experiences developed her abilities in observation, negotiation, and has engendered sensitivity to the needs and choices of the dispossessed and marginalized. These skill sets are applicable across a variety of settings, circumstances and cultures

Lewis MarleneQui-Wie-Who - print

Digitales 3ème édition -Appel à contribution-Racontez les histoires* des femmes et des technologies-

Digitale Ontmoetingen >> Corpus <<

Digitales >> Corpus <<

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Etat des inscriptions - inventaris - inventory

Pratiques des réseaux femmes et technologies sur une invitation de la plate-forme associative ADA

Webradio Digitales
