Mongrel/Linker Workshop

5 & 6/12 >> 9:00 - 2 x 180'-
Linker is a piece of Mongrel-engineered software that enables you to connect images, sounds, text and video that you have created or chosen.
Linker is a non-commercial piece of software, available free as a download from the internet. It is experiential and designed to satisfy the desires people who like to use technologies for their own purposes and then share them. It is in constant development and redefinition, and is not guaranteed glitch-free.
Workshop method:
" The method of engagement in workshop scenarios have always been to enter with the bag half full and allow the participants to continue to full it up, this also means that the outcome is never a defined thing, it however is a process arrived at by mutual consensus and respect, respect for both man and machine as a definite appreciation of both is very significant to a functional outcome, thus its up to us to make the other half as meaningful and empowering as we demand! "
mervin Jarman have been many things including a Community Art Activist, an Interactive Multimedia Designer, Human Computer Interface expert, a member of the Mongrel Collective, and founder of IANI Media. mervin is a particular kind of mongrel, a new breed of street interactive art-hactivist. mervin's theory on art is that 'art is life' hence his life is his only claim to being recognised as an artist as his art is a total expression of his life. His engagement with technology as a tool for empowerment and intervention stems from his various experiences as a dreaded yardie alien running loose in the streets of London, the conflicts arising from being a part of a sub-culture that dominated an alien space. "I am a street dogg, I make the street mine in any ghettos, any city any alien space that I am in. These space automatically becomes mongrel space, its like that". Back in Jamaica mervin place of origin he is said to have been frustrated by the lack of opportunities that existed for the ordinary man in the street. Growing up in a culture that was heavily influenced by postcolonial rhetorics. mervin sought to broaden his experiential being which prompted him to migrate to London where he first encountered computers and new media, his collision with Harwood and Richard Pierre-Davis cemented the mongrel collective who are now the avant-garde of digitally engaging street culture world wide. "We have been from here to Timbuktu and back mongrel kick ass, there ain't no other like us and we won't appologise for that. mongrel are original doggs and wi nuh tek nuh check fram nuhbady, believe dat"I am mervin de Mongrel and this is a mongrel interventions.
Marlene Lewis has applied skills in the areas of social research, project planning and management to the promotion of community development. Her earliest experiences in community development were in the areas of agriculture and settlement planning which highlighted issues of economic alienation and the choices presented by those circumstances. Much of her work focused on creating livelihoods from agricultural production and nature whilst building confidence and competence of local leaders to manage the process of change within their own communities. Through these experiences she has developed the art of marketing ideas and concepts and gauging the readiness of the community to try other options for survival. Later she worked more deliberately in social enterprise development and the financing of community initiatives in the areas of social infrastructure, child welfare and environmental management. In these circumstances, she has learnt how to deal with communities trying to cope with neglect, abuse, and vulnerability of all kinds. Her years of practice has allowed her to define community development more broadly in terms physical communities within the rural and urban settings and also communities of special interest. These experiences developed her abilities in observation, negotiation, and has engendered sensitivity to the needs and choices of the dispossessed and marginalized. These skill sets are applicable across a variety of settings, circumstances and cultures.

Cet article a été écrit par mervin Jarman, Marlene Lewis {} le 15/11/2002