Evénement: >> HTMLLES <<

Htmlles 06 -Radicale Libre -
>> 21/01 au 23/01/04 –– Présentations et expositions (Web Art, forums, ateliers)- Interface3-
>> 23/01/04 – Concerts/performances -Association 29, rue blanche - Mouvements de Femmes - 20h -

/// web ///
> Pascale Malaterre-
- L1001S -

titre de cet Oratorio endémique et païen. Portion du cimetière Montréalais encore en travaux. En anglais, français, espagnol, arabe ... Instrument pour pulsations techno : le nez d'une femme utilisé aussi comme symbole de liberté dans l'espace contre l'intégrisme musulman. Le mien a été dévié par un léger coup reçu dans une manifestation antifasciste (Paris-France). Le sang comme outil de transgression érotique. Ce rituel d'accompagnement dans le deuil, cet enterrement virtuel qui s'inspire du livre des morts tibétains, je l'ai fait au vidéographe après avoir eu la chance et l'honneur de faire une performance multimédia pour la chef d'orchestre Véronique Lacroix (Ensemble Contemporaine de Montréal) dans sa relecture de John Cage (évènement musical de l'année, prix Opus 2002 du Conseil québécois de la musique). Son immense talent généreux m'a fait comprendre ce désir de faire entendre tous les sons du monde chez le compositeur. J'ai alors accepté d'être une simple voix singulière entre plusieurs univers.
> Tamara Vukov
En cette ère de guerres perpétuellement médiatisées, Balkan Mediations émerge de l’armée de questions soulevées pour les Nord-américains par les bombardements de l’OTAN en 1999 au Kosovo et en Yougoslavie. Il y a longtemps que les Balkans sont vus sous la lentille du “ balkanisme ” par les médias occidentaux: comme un territoire liminaire entre l’Europe et l’Orient, une zone d’impureté ethnique, d’instabilité et d’irrationalisme, une scène idéale pour des horreurs monstrueuses. Balkan Mediations est structuré autour de la brèche à laquelle j’ai dû faire face, à l’instar de plusieurs Nord-américains d’origine yougoslave, entre deux expériences profondément disjonctives reliées à l’intervention militaire de l’OTAN : soit d’avoir, d’un côté, une guerre médiatique froide et distante et d’avoir, de l’autre, la dévastante possibilité que le “ dommage collatéral ” touche ma propre famille. Le point de départ de l’intervention créative de Balkan Meditations réside dans l’ironie des liens étroits entre les technologies médiatiques et militaires, et examine les contradictions et la brutalité d’un contexte dans lequel, pour paraphraser Bob Ostertag, nous utilisons désormais les mêmes outils pour jouer, créer des médias, et tuer.

/// concerts ///
> Anna Friz + Annabelle Chvostek
The radio is often a harbinger of bad news i.e. wars abroad, wars at home, hate-filled official speeches etc; and the listener response to this aural bombardment is often not one of action but depression, fear, and political apathy. The Automated Prayer Machine repositions radio as an antidote to despair. We create an expansive radiophonic sound environment by manipulating signals rebroadcast through a low-watt FM transmitter to multiple receivers in the audience. Digital video projection, live accordion, violin and voice complete the circuit, activating the metaphorical prayer machine.
Anna Friz is a sound artist and radio pirate living in Montreal. She has presented installation and performance works incorporating low-watt FM transmission in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal, as well as at the Third Coast Audio Festival in Chicago, PS 122 in New York; Ars Electronica 2002; and at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin. She has produced numerous original radio works for Kunstradio, Austria, as well as for campus/community radio stations across Canada, and national radio in Canada, Austria, Denmark and Spain.
Annabelle Chvostek is a Montreal-based composer, videographer, singer and multi-instrumentalist. Her audio creations range from abstract electroacoustics and sample- rich grooves to contemporary folk songs. She has created multi-media performances and soundscores for dance in New York City, Montreal and Toronto and has made award-winning short videos aired at festivals like Chicago's Geoconference and Vancouver's Edgewise Electrolit Videopoem Festival. Annabelle Chvostek tours North America incessantly as a singer/songwriter and her recent self-produced album "Water" has earned widespread critical acclaim.
> Alexis O'hara
Alexis O'Hara is a non-disciplined, triligual artist who bends forms, painting complex soundscapes and elaborate stories using nothing more than her body, a microphone and a series of electronic pedals. A former poetry slam champion and newspaper columnist, she now divides her time between three parallel artistic pursuits: spoken word, sound art and live action art. This year, her work has graced stages in 35 North American cities from the swamps of Louisiana right on up to the midnight sun of the Yukon. She has published books of poetry and her recordings can be found at . By exploiting pseudo-virtuosities in verbal, gutteral and technological melodies, LX6 engages in spontaneous sound and body combats, reverberating the essential absurdities of life.
> -[sic] -
Natural Clutter
: Natural Clutter aims to trigger a visceral reaction through a dialogue of audio and video imagery. By broaching the theme of clutter, the piece asks of its audience to inspect their own internal displacement. The spectator is invited to reflect upon the emotional stress that it perpetually creates, which in turn is nurtured by social and environmental disorder. What first manifests itself as idyllic pastoral landscape with its seemingly immaculate components will, through closer inspection, reveal the detritus of our urban lives. Scenes of placid fields, pristine waters, and primal fauna prove to be elusive machinations of our collective experience. A live soundtrack of manipulated audio field recordings plays in tandem as the video unfurls. The exercise proposes a meta-dialogue exposing the elusive meaning of a nature indelibly tainted by our own heightened anxiety.
> I8U
I8U's musical path is rather special. From classical music to the blues, it took only one chance meeting with David Kristian to get her involved in electronic music. I8U has participated in various music and new technology festivals across Canada, Europe and the US, such as Silophone (Montréal, 2000), Mutek (Montréal, 2001), Le Festival de Musique Actuelle de Victoriaville (2002), Ver Uit de Maat (Rotterdam, 2002), and a soundtrack by Bubblyfish and I8U for the movie Swordswoman of Huangjiang / Huangjiang Nuxia presented at the Film Society of Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater Festival : Heroic Grace : The Chinese Martial Arts Film in New York.
Her CDs have been released on Canadian and European labels,( bake / staalplaat, Oral, Piehead Records ) including a collaborative piece with Goem (Amsterdam). She regularly presents solo performances and often collaborates with Martin Tétreault, David Kristian and Magali Babin. I8U's particular interest in music, sound and Web art allowed her to produce her first Web art project, Obstacle, which was presented as part of Périphérique, a laboratory curated by Nicole Gingras and created in collaboration with the Groupe Intervention Vidéo (Montréal, 2001). A second Web art project, "ISU" was presented at the Musée du Québec in the fall of 2002 in the context of the Web art exhibit “ Ellipse “, curated by Valérie Lamontagne and included 5 other Canadian artists.Her latest project Median, is an interactive piece created in the context of a Web art residency at LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE.
- HTMlles-circulation01 project -
- Studio XX -, Montreal¹s foremost women¹s digital resource centre 's annual and international festival of media arts -
----- is supported by :
Ministère des affaires étrangères et du commerce international / Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade - Délégation du québec - Canada arts council -

Cet article a été écrit par nicole {} le 29/12/2003