Labour and work organisation in the sector of new technologies.

Certain sectors of activity the organisation of which combines work flexibility and information technology encourage the emergence (or the return?) of authoritative management.
What are the aspects of that flexibility ? What aspect of flexibility allows more of a kind of domination-submission relationship ? How does one analyse it in terms of gender?
With the film :
Pour 300 appels par jour (For 300 calls per day) - Christophe de Hallivillée, F/1999/VHS/'
"Christophe de Hallivillée's documentary French shows the situation of the employees (mostly women) of a French call-center located near Amiens. They work under stress and in unbearable conditions, with intermittent schedules and short-term contracts, for a starvation wage, and in particular under the monitoring of a supervisor with his/her computer network. "Call center operators ", up-and-coming training and job … or simply an expression to disguise the new slaves of tele-work and communication?

Cet article a été écrit par Martin Jacqueline {} le 17/11/2002