> (eng)Forums > What do cyberfeminists eat? And more importantly, what operating system do they use? .:Digitales2002:.
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Digitales est un projet du réseau belge ADA / De digitale ontmoetingen kaderen in het Belgisch ADA netwerk / The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian network


> (eng)Forums > What do cyberfeminists eat? And more importantly, what operating system do they use?

.: What do cyberfeminists eat? And more importantly, what operating system do they use? :.

6.12 >> 10:00
In the year 2002, most of us in rich countries are bombarded with choices, couched in the language of democracy and freedom, this mostly comes down to consumer flexibility. From our daily diets, to our technology, these choices are driven by global networks of power; trade agreements, transnational corporations, target marketing, etc;.. play a role in the most intimate aspects of our daily lives. Freedom is now a byproduct of income. Or is it? In this talk and workshop, women will be encouraged to look at how our everyday lives are politicized on levels we cannot control, and look for practical ways to combat this in our daily routines. From bananas to computer operating systems, we'll explore how to make informed decisions and take action! So bring a banana (or preferred fruit!) and learn how to install linux (or see why you don't have to!). Diana McCarty is an agent of cultural provocation. http://www.bootlab.org http://www.faces-l.net http://www.xxero.org
>>> Reporting:
[ " Diana Mac Carty made the link between food, software and cyberfeminism. Since we live in a Microsoft-shaped world we should not be as depended of their software as we are of food (e.g. the banana issue in the economic and political field). Our everyday lives are politicized on levels we cannot control. Open Source is 'a nut to be cracked'. BUT : Open Source Philosophy should be a non-dogmatic model. " ]
- Marleen Saelen if3 - 6 December 2002

Diana Mac Carty(eng)Forums - print

Digitales 3ème édition -Appel à contribution-Racontez les histoires* des femmes et des technologies-

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Pratiques des réseaux femmes et technologies sur une invitation de la plate-forme associative ADA

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